Meet Our Head Writer

Although Laura is a licensed Massachusetts attorney, she prefers writing and editing to litigation — a major advantage for her clients. 

Upon graduating from Suffolk University Law School, Laura worked for Johnson & Aceto, LLP, a boutique litigation firm in Boston, where she honed her legal skills in a wide range of practice areas ranging from family to patent law. She then served as an Assistant City Solicitor for the City of Worcester, where she provided legal counsel to the city manger, city council, and various city boards and commissions.

Laura "retired" from law to pursue her love of writing. As a senior copywriter for The Rainmaker Institute, Laura combined her experience as an attorney and former marketing consultant to write blog posts, press releases, website copy, and newsletters for law firm clients across the country. When launching Said Write, she expanded her services to businesses of all shapes and sizes. 

What You Need to Know About Working With Us

Rates and payment information

Services are charged at an hourly rate according to the type of service requested. We will accommodate clients who prefer to negotiate a project fee or use per word rates. We also offer discounts for ongoing projects. 

Proofreading: $40/hour (8–10 pages/hour)

Copyediting: $60/hour (2–5 pages/hour)

Copywriting: $100/hour (400-600 words/hour)

Smaller jobs are invoiced upon completion. We require an advance payment for most large projects, and in some cases, first-time clients. Invoices are due and payable upon receipt.

Express service

Although we prefer advance notice, we can edit your document in less than twelve (12) hours. Express service is charged at a higher rate. It is often possible to return documents in a shorter time period. Please contact us if you are under a tight deadline, and we will do our best to help. 

Document formats

Said Write primarily uses Microsoft® Word and Excel for text, tables, and graphs. These programs each provide a "track changes" function allowing authors to view and approve all edits prior to finalizing their document. If your document is in another format, we also have the capability to scan edits into a PDF document.

All information and material provided by any client or potential client (including contact information) is held in strict confidentiality.

The Finer Details

Terms of Service

Use of the web site or the contracting of’s online editing services (“Service”) is acknowledgment and acceptance of the terms and conditions as detailed in this document (the “Agreement”). Your continued access to this Service will constitute your acceptance of any changes or revisions to the Agreement. Your failure to follow these rules, whether listed below or in bulletins posted at various points in the Service, may result in the suspension or termination of your access to the Service, without notice, in addition to's other remedies.

1.    Privacy Statement. takes client privacy seriously and treats all of your material with strict confidence. All customer files will be deleted from our server after 60 days. We operate according to a strict confidentiality policy and do not share, distribute or sell client information or content.

2.    Ownership and Copyright of Submitted Materials

We take intellectual copyright, classified material and other forms of confidential documents very seriously. The customer retains sole intellectual copyright, ownership and control over all materials submitted to for proofreading, writing, and editing, including any files subsequently created or modified by

3.   Content.  

Customers are advised that plagiarism and breach of copyright are serious offenses. In situations where copyright infringement or plagiarism is discovered or suspected after a document has been accepted for editing, editing will not proceed. also reserves the right to refuse to proofread, write, or edit any document that advocates or incites violence, hatred or discrimination in contravention of national and international laws.

The information contained in customer documents edited by this service may include opinions or views that are not those of or any person associated with is not responsible or liable in relation to the use of any information contained in customer documents including misleading or defamatory statements, or the infringement of third party copyright.

4.    Quality of Service. strives to provide complete satisfaction to our customers and a top quality editing service. As such, all documents are proofread and/or edited to a high and exacting standard.  However, we do not guarantee that edited documents are “perfect” and “error free.” 

The customer is responsible for reviewing the edited document upon completion and contacting should any errors be discovered.  The Service does not include fact checking. is not obligated to refund the cost of the service in the case of an edited document being less than perfect. We request that the customer contact us within five (5) days if not completely satisfied with the service and we will make every effort to remedy the situation. If we do not receive notice of your dissatisfaction with our Services within five (5) days, we will consider the Services were completed to the customer’s satisfaction. is not liable for incidental, indirect, consequential, special, punitive or exemplary damages including lost revenues or profits, loss of business or loss of data related to this service. This exemption applies to any claim, loss or injury based on errors or omissions, interruptions or any other inaccuracies that may appear on the web site or in an edited customer document.

5.    Financial Fraud or Theft. is not liable for the fraudulent use of any credit card or other payment method that may be used to purchase its services.

6.    Technical Disclaimer.

Edited documents are returned via e-mail.  Each customer is responsible for checking his/her e-mail for correspondence related to his/her order. is not liable or responsible for service delays resulting from unforeseen circumstances such as technical problems including Internet, email, server or connection issues that are beyond our control. We will make every effort to meet deadlines and communicate with customers in the case of technical problems. is not liable or responsible for any damage to computer hardware or software arising from the distribution of a computer virus through the use of the Web site or system.

7.    Modification of Terms and Conditions.

The terms and conditions contained herein may be modified, amended, altered, changed, reorganized, rewritten or revoked at any time, for any reason and without notice.

8.    Indemnification.

The customer agrees to indemnify and hold and anyone associated with harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable fees and costs for the service of an attorney, or as may be made by any third party due to or arising from use of the site or service, or violation of the terms and conditions by the customer or infringement of any intellectual property or other right of any person or entity by the customer. reserves the right to take over the exclusive defense of any claim for which we are entitled to indemnification under this Section. In such an event, you shall provide us with such cooperation as is reasonably requested by us.

9.    Jurisdiction.

The laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts shall EXCLUSIVELY govern this Agreement. Venue for any mediation, litigation, special proceeding or other proceeding as between the parties that may be brought or arise out of, in connection with, or by reason of this Agreement shall be in Worcester County, Massachusetts.